Frankly, we see no need for Chalav Yisrael milk. Even the late Rabbi Moshe Feinstein gave a psak that non chalav yisrael milk was fine. Now, $tarbucks has announced that some of their stores will soon serve only chalav yisrael milk. Guess that means their already sky high prices for mediocre coffee that more often than not is burned will go even higher.
Cholov Yisroel Dairy Coming to Select Starbucks in NYC Metro Area
By RebeccaP
Select Starbucks locations in New York and New Jersey have been selected to test out Cholov Yisroel milk at their locations.
This is an effort to attract new customers with different kashrut needs to the ubiquitous coffee chain for their caffeine fix.
The Cholov Yisrael milk being used is Pride of the Farm Milk, certified by the Star K. Milk that is cholov stam will not be offered at any of these 10 locations, as they will be strictly CY.
The stores themselves will still not be certified kosher, but Rabbi Zvi Holland from the Star K is aware of the new changes that are now in place at these locations.
Locations include 4 in Brooklyn, 2 in the 5 Towns, and 4 in the Deal/Lakewood region of New Jersey.
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