Today is January 31, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Who doesn’t love Stella D’oro’s Swiss Fudge Cookies? Almost everyone we know enjoys two or more of them every shabbat morning with a cup of coffee before shul.

So, the news spread very quickly here in Israel when the cookies began showing up in a limited number of markets in Jerusalem.

Then disaster struck! The Chief Rabbinate of Israel- well known for their integrity and honesty as well as love for all Jews- declared the cookies trefe! Yes, you read that correctly. Stella is N.G. here. Oh no, Mr. Bill.

So what’s the story? Imported kosher products in Israel must also have an additional kosher supervision from the rabbanut. Stella only has the OU, no rabbanut hechsher.

Our response? A big Bronx cheer! Stella D’oro is kosher. The OU certifies it. That is good enough for us. Frankly, the fact that the rabbanut does not have their hechsher on it only serves to make it even better.