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Kosher Nexus
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The New Kosher Shopping Areas: Sushi, Health Foods, Artisan Breads

Brooklyn – Jewish New Yorkers in the 1940’s were most likely to find a kosher butcher store, a fish store and small grocer in their neighborhood shopping areas. Beginning in the ‘60’s, supermarkets had largely replaced the grocer, fish store, and butcher albeit not entirely. The kosher pizza store and the bakery were now more likely to have become fixtures in the shopping areas. Nowadays many of the commercial strips include some of the new fare of today’s kosher consumer. Many of the streets now have sushi restaurants and health food stores. Most restaurants have a kosher sushi station. On Avenue M there is Breadsmith with its daily menu of unusual artisan breads in addition to the everyday special breads and pastries. The new Organic Circle, recently opened by the nearby Mountain Fruit, features a wide selection of kosher organic foods in almost every category as well as gluten-free products. There is, of course, a health food store on the street as well. One of the shoppers David, who lives around the corner of Organic Circle said that he used to shop at a Whole Foods store but having all of the “kosher organic stuff in one store” near his house will most definitely get him to shop there. He was extremely impressed with the produce and the large selection in the refrigerator and freezer cases. According to kosher food officials, sales of organic and gluten-free food have risen dramatically in the last few years.