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Gourmet Honey is More than Just for Dipping the Apple
by Raquel Mlabassati

Brush Prairie, Washington – ”We dip the apple in the honey,” is the way the song goes to remind us of one of the customs on the upcoming Rosh Hashanah holiday (eve of September 13th). It is designed as a symbol of our yearning for a sweet New Year. But for Honey Ridge Farms ( honey is not just the traditional product we know bees make. Their “gourmet” honey uses the finest premium raw clover honey from family and local artisan beekeepers in several states in the Pacific Northwest. It is used to produce the finest quality whipped honey crèmes and vinegars. Their local raw honey and whipped honey crèmes are never cooked, retaining the natural goodness of raw honey, fruit and spice in a smooth spreadable blend. Whipped raw honey crèmes from Honey Ridge Farms come in many flavors—blackberry, blood orange, coconut, clover, coconut, lavender, lemon, lemon-lavender, raspberry and spice. Honey crèmes are best when used for apple dipping or to drizzle on freshly baked challah. Clover and Spice are especially nice as a baking ingredient. They also recommend pairing honey crèmes with nuts, pomegranate, apples, and dates. The use of gourmet honey has increasingly become a trend on Rosh Hashanah with the variety even showing up in gift baskets. Like everything else in kosher, honey has really gone upscale.