Today is March 28, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Fiya is a brand new restaurant that just opened last week in the DUMBO section of Brooklyn, next to the new entrance to Brooklyn Bridge Park, at the northwestern end of Brooklyn, overlooking the East River and Lower Manhattan. Fiya is the first ever Kosher Caribbean Vegetarian restaurant anywhere.

In addition to vegetables and Caribbean flavors, Fiya’s menu and ingredients are reliant on quinoa, vegetarian chicken, and fish dishes. Click here for a full menu

The restaurant seats 30 people and should have a liquor license and a menu for kosher beer & wine within the month. Once they have their liquor license, expect live music every Saturday night.

Fiya’s hours are: Monday – Thursday 10am – 9pm. Friday from 10am – 90 minutes before Shabbat. Saturday night from 1 hour after Shabbat until 1am (likely). Sunday from 10:30am – 9pm.

Kashrut supervision under Mehadrin Kashrus (R’ Avrohom Marmorstein) in conjunction w/ R’ Avrohom Chaikov of the Chabad of DUMBO. All baked products are Pas Yisrael and all dairy products are Cholov Yisroel.