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DIY An Endless Supply Of Fresh Green Onions
Vanessa Greaves
By:Vanessa Greaves

All you need is a starter bunch of green onions, a jar, and fresh water.
Save Money: DIY An Endless Supply Of Green Onions | Green Onions with Cut Ends
Green onions can regrow from as little as an inch of the bulb end.
Don’t Throw It. Regrow It.

Green onions, aka scallions or spring onions, are sold with a root end that you always trim off. But did you know you can encourage those roots to regrow new onions? Here’s how easy it is to upcycle this common food scrap you used to throw away:

Slice off the ends of the bulbs, leaving roots attached.
Stand the bulbs root-end down in a small jar. (I started them in an egg cup.) Add enough water to cover the roots.
Set on a windowsill and keep the roots moist. After a few days, green shoots will emerge from the tops of the bulbs. After that, they’ll grow very quickly.
Keep the roots submerged; change water at least once a week.

When the shoots are or four or five inches long, you can plant them in the ground or a pot, or you can keep them growing in the jar.
Snip off what you need; the onions will continue to grow almost indefinitely.