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Conversion Crisis: Is the System Broken?

Why are hundreds of people interested in converting to Judaism being turned away?

Why is the Orthodox Rabbinate pushing away people eager to live a religious lifestyle of Torah and Mitzvot?

Is there anyone in the Rabbinate working to help pave the way for a conversion process that is equally loving and rigorous?

On Sunday, May 17 at 2:00pm at Congregation Ramath Orah, three prominent rabbis will explore the challenges and offer potential solutions in a critically important program sponsored by the Union for Traditional Judaism (UTJ).

Speakers are:
Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, Chief Rabbi of Efrat, Founder and Chancellor of Ohr Torah Stone Institutions
o Topic: “Conversion as an Opportunity: the Challenge in Israel and the Challenge in the Diaspora”
Rabbi Marc D. Angel, Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Shearith Israel (The Spanish-Portuguese Synagogue) and Director of the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals
o Topic: “The Conversion Crisis as a Symptom of a Larger Crisis in Halakhic Judaism.”
Rabbi David Novak, J. Richard and Dorothy Shiff Chair of Jewish Studies, University of Toronto and President of Union for Traditional Judaism (UTJ)
o Topic: “Reviving the Ger Toshav in the Land of Israel”

When: The program will be held Sunday, May 17, 2:00pm
Where: Congregation Ramath Orah, 550 West 110th St., N.Y.
Registration/Further Information: Advanced registration is preferred. To register for (suggested $10 donation) or to sponsor this event (minimum $100 donation), visit and click “donate,” call (201) 801-0707 x 111 or email