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Chances are, you bought a 50 pound bag of potatoes before Pesach. The amount of potatoes you have left is slowly shrinking, and already you are wondering what you are going to do with the left over potatoes in the bag. Well, here are some really nifty and useful tips for using potatoes.

The Amazing Potato
Written by Brandon Garrett

Potatoes contain many natural vitamins and minerals that are essential for your food storage. But did you know that you can also use potatoes for cleaning, repairs, powering electronics, and more?

The simple potato is one of the most versatile vegetables out there and rarely gets the attention it deserves. Besides being delicious boiled, baked, diced or fried, potatoes have many other uses.

Below, we’ve listed 8 things you probably didn’t know you could do with a potato. Comment below to add your two cents and tell us what you’ve used potatoes for.

Remove stains on your hands
This month, when you’re slicing umpteen numbers of carrots your hands might end up with a lot of orange stains. Simply rub your hands with a potato and it should remove the hard-to-remove colors from your hands.

Taking salt out
Did you add a bit too much salt after you tasted your soup? Just cut a few potatoes into large chunks. Toss them into the soup that’s still on the stove. When the potatoes begin to soften – after about 10 minutes – just remove them. You can then save the potatoes for a potato salad or another dish!

Remove a broken light bulb
Have you been working out too much and every time that you try to change a lightbulb it just crumbles in your hand? Ya, me too. Many times lightbulbs can break while you’re changing them. Simply take a half of a potato and place it on the broken piece of the light bulb still in the socket. Make sure the lamp or power is off first. Use the potato to twist the end of the broken light off the socket.

Remove tarnish on silverware
Have high class visitors coming over tonight? You can remove the tarnish from your silverware with potatoes to be sure to impress your guests. Boil a few potatoes in a pot and once they are boiling, remove the potatoes. Place the silverware in the remaining water and let them sit for an hour or so. Wash the silverware and tarnish should be removed.

Potato ChunksPower a clock
The starches in potatoes provide you with energy, but they can also provide your clock with energy too. You’ll need a LED clock and two galvanized nails. Go on line to find out how.

Keep your ski goggles clear
Before you go down the slopes this winter, rub the outside of your ski goggles with a raw potato. The potato should keep water and ice from disrupting your view on the way down.

Reduce your puffy eye problem
Need to spruce up for the day and you can’t seem to get rid of those tired eyes? Cut slices of raw potatoes and place them on your eyes. The cold potatoes will reduce the swelling of your eyes and reduce the puffiness.

Restore old shoes
Are your favorite pair of dress shoes too scuffed up that you can’t wear them anymore? Cut a potato in half and rub those shoes with a raw potato. After that, polish them like normal and they should come out nice and shiny.