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Philadelphia Cream Cheese Caves into Pressure from Kosher Consumers
By KT Staff Reporters

CHICAGO — The cRc, one of the nation’s leading kosher certifiers, routinely mentioned it in a recent newsletter. Philadelphia changed its mind about making some of its products non-kosher. The company had earlier announced that certain varieties of Philadelphia Cream Cheese Spreads would no longer be kosher certified upon the launch of the new bacon flavor. The announcement apparently set off a firestorm by some kosher consumers, reminiscent of a similar firestorm when Stella Dora announced a change from pareve to dairy and then reversed its decision.

Philadelphia subsequently announced “that in working hand in hand with the OK, it has been able to make adjustments to ensure the below list of current kosher varieties of Philadelphia Cream Cheese Spreads will remain kosher certified without compromising on any of OK Kosher’s high standards.” The company then went on to list more than a dozen products that were slated to become non-kosher and now would remain kosher. The new bacon variety which contains actual bacon will obviously not carry a kosher symbol on the package.