Today is March 1, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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The class action lawsuit against Hebrew National/Con Agra by consumers alleging Hebrew National products are not strictly kosher has been tossed out of court with prejudice – meaning the case had no merit at all.

And for those of you who read any of my previous reports on this case, this should not be a surprise.

In its ruling issued today, the court wrote:

“…As much as Plaintiffs maintain there can be a secular basis–or at [least] some means of defining kashrut that doesn’t include courts making that decision based on religious principles–they are mistaken. Jewish dietary laws have been around since time immemorial. Rules for kashrut are found in the Old Testament Books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy. These laws have been debated for millennia by religious scholars, and as argued at the hearing, continue to be debated. No court in the land can pick a side, interpretation, or point of view as to whether those religious requirements are met or unmet in these circumstances. As the pleadings and motions as submitted indicate, a qualified religious observer, hired by Defendant, has concluded that the products are kosher and the process leading to the production of these products adequately complies with the edicts of kashrut. It would be unholy, indeed, for this or any other court to substitute its judgment on this purely religious question.…”