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Feature: Kitchensurfing and the New Kosher Way to Eat Out
by Feigie Leitman

NEW YORK — In the “sharing” era of Uber and AirBNB, there’s a fast growing kitchen sharing concept that’s starting to take hold in cities across the US and kosher is very much a part of it. Founded in 2012, “Kitchensurfing” describes itself as a “community for a unique food and social experience,” and offers customers that chance to “meet, cook and eat together, host a dinner or join others.” Kitchensurfing is an online marketplace where you can find outstanding local chefs to cook for you, in your home. Not one to miss out on a significant portion of New York City’s residents, Kitchensurfing has created a special department dedicated to a kosher dining experience. In New York City and the Hamptons, Kitchensurfing’s dedicated kosher chefs create custom experiences for everything from casual weeknight dinners to Shabbat and Yom Tov meals and even Sheva Brachot feasts. Jamie Geller, together with Joy of Kosher, a popular kosher cooking magazine she edits, recently launched the first ever Supper Club, where 5 lucky pairs of winner will have the renowned chef and author Geller cook for them in their own home.

Although the kosher dietary laws are complex, Jamie is confident in the future success of Kitchensurfing in the kosher world. Chefs from Kitchensurfing buy ingredients at the stores you choose, and cook the meals in your own home. The Supper Club event is under the OK certification, an option people can include in their own meals if they so desire. Joy of Kosher has seen an enthusiastic response to the concept, with people eager to enter to win as well as find out more about the service. “The Kosher market has always been a few steps behind, however we have come a long way and evolved with the times,” said Ms. Geller. “Between new products becoming certified and the “kosher palette” becoming more refined and people looking for new interesting products and dishes services like these and others will definitely find their place in the kosher market.”