Today is February 24, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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This year, we celebrate Pesach in Jerusalem. Not as tourists, but as a resident of that holy city. Our excitement level is high as is our anticipation. When we had our pre-aliyah interview at the Jewish Agency, they asked us why we wanted to make aliyah. In sort of a joking manner, we held up on finger and said, “One seder.”

Back in the days of a certain British comedy magazine, we once saw a great cartoon. It was the Bnai Yisrael passing through the parted waters of the Red Sea. Two shleppers at the end of the line were talking, and one said to the other, “Wow, after this, the second seder will be anti climatic.”

In truth, we love Pesach, no matter how many yom tov days there are.

Growing up, Pesach meant a new suit and new “shul” shoes. Maybe even a new shirt! Oh, and don’t forget socks and underwear. No one wanted to be present at the Exodus in torn undies!

We each grew up and finally got to sit at the grownups table, only to discover that the kiddie table was much more fun. Plus, you could get away with much more when you were not seated with all the adults.

Number one grandchild is five years old. Two years ago, already, he sang the Four Questions, but we were not in Israel to enjoy it. This year will be a special performance as his three year old sister joins with him. Sabba will, no doubt, sit there and cry.

On Pesach, we taste the tears of slavery as represented by the salt water. Our wish is that this year, we also enjoy the tears of watching the latest generation sing at the seder.

From all of us at the Kosher Nexus, we wish you a chag kasher v’sameach- a happy and kosher Pesach.