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Jelly Belly Expands Camo Beans
Jelly Belly Candy Company recently pulled the cover off Jelly Belly Camo Beans, a package of jelly beans inspired by the art of camouflage. Now, the company adds a second colorful and trendy bag to the line with the introduction of Pink Camo Beans. For every bag of Camo Beans and Pink Camo Beans sold, Jelly Belly Charities will donate $0.25 to support U.S. veterans and their families.

Sportsmen, military and outdoor enthusiasts will discover seven popular Jelly Belly bean flavors in the original Camo Beans collection: Chocolate Pudding, Green Apple, Licorice, Juicy Pear, Orange Sherbet, Toasted Marshmallow and Watermelon.

Not all camouflage is meant to blend in. Sometimes you need to stand out, and what better way than in pink? The new Pink Camo Beans collection is right on trend, and made up of the delectable flavors of Cotton Candy, Coconut, Licorice, Cherry Passion Fruit Smoothie, Bubble Gum and Strawberry Cheesecake.