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Shrewsbury, NJ February 4, 2014: Tony Catelli, Catelli Brothers President and CEO, today issued the following statement regarding the company’s response to USDA’s approval of Catelli Brothers corrective actions and reopening of the plant.

Company underscores commitment to animal welfare, humane handling

“We are pleased that USDA has approved our corrective actions, and that we are able to reopen our plant. We were very deliberate in taking the time to ensure our actions are robust and that they will continue to exceed expectations for animal care and humane food production practices.

“Two nationally recognized third-party experts in humane animal handling have made specific recommendations that we have already begun to incorporate. In addition, a PAACO*-certified trainer has retrained all of our employees.

“Catelli Brothers will be the first veal plant in the country to install Arrowsight, a 24/7, third-party remote video surveillance and auditing of animal handling and processing procedures. Arrowsight is a program developed in cooperation with Dr. Temple Grandin, an expert in humane animal handling.

“Additional steps we are taking include reaffirming our policy against the processing of non-ambulatory animals; increased quality assurance audits of both animal welfare practices and of the harvest process itself; retraining on humane handling practices and specific disciplinary measures for employees who violated those practices; and retraining all company transportation partners on Catelli animal handling and proper transportation procedures.

“Accountability, responsibility, continuous improvement, and ongoing monitoring will be central to our programs going forward. We are pleased to have reopened our plant and resume the production of wholesome, high-quality veal. Our work to be proactive in addressing the issues that have been raised will help to ensure our plant operates responsibly and always with the highest regard for the care of our calves.

“Maintaining public confidence in Catelli Brothers and in the safety and quality of the veal we produce is of critical importance to me, to my family and to our employees, and has been for two generations. We appreciate the community’s understanding and support as we worked to resolve these issues.”
