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Top 5 Fall Produce Picks

SupermarketGuru loves the variety that each season brings to the produce aisle. Making a conscious effort and taking a closer look at what foods are in season – meaning they are produced closer therefore in the ground longer – means our meals will be fresher, more nutritious, flavorful, cost less, and on top of that when the season comes for your favorite fruit or vegetable you will truly enjoy and savor it at its best!

Choosing freshly harvested seasonal produce not only supports a healthy diet, but may also lessen some of the adverse global effects caused by packaging and shipping produce long distances.

Eating “seasonally” will allow you to diversify your diet; you may discover some fruits and vegetables that you love and didn’t even know existed! As well as offering some great flavors, fall vegetables are true nutritional stars. Of course eating seasonally differs for eaters across the country in different climates; so look out for truly seasonal produce.

Here are SupermarketGuru’s top 5 Fall produce picks:

Pears, whether Bartlett, Bosc, Comice, Anjou or more, studies have shown that the skin of pears contains at least three to four times as many phenolic phytonutrients as the flesh; aka phytonutrients that act as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and potentially anti-cancer. The skin of the pear contains about half of the pear’s total dietary fiber. Pears are also a source of vitamin C and K. Just remember to eat the skin!

Persimmons are either hard fleshed (Fuyu), or soft (Hachiya or Saijo). Hard ones should be very firm as texture is similar to an apple; soft versions should yield, like pears, yet never be mushy. Native to China, persimmons spread to Japan and (much later) were introduced to California during the middle of nineteenth century. Persimmons are rich in antioxidants with anti tumor, ant inflammatory and ant aging benefits. They are a good source of vitamin C as well as zeaxanthin an important carotenoid that protects the eyes.

Brussels sprouts a super source of vitamin K, C, manganese, as well as a good source of folate, fiber, vitamin A, potassium, tryptophan, iron and more! They are known to help lower cholesterol, have anti-cancer effects through supporting the body’s detox system, for antioxidant power and anti-inflammatory effects.

Celeriac, often referred to as celery root, knob celery, and turnip rooted celery – is one of the ugliest vegetables, but super tasty and healthy. An excellent source of vitamin C, K, phosphorus, potassium, B6, magnesium and manganese, celeriac is thought to lower blood pressure and may also help to reduce stroke risk, with one study from Harvard University suggesting that men who ate nine servings a day of celeriac and other potassium-rich foods had a 38% reduced risk of stroke. Celeriac is delicious sliced thin on salads, as well as used to make a soup or stock.

Pomegranates are harvested before maturity and their edible seeds become juicier and more flavorful with age.
They are rich in ant aging antioxidants, can protect our heart, combat inflammation, lower cholesterol and blood pressure and more. One pomegranate has about 40 percent of the recommended daily vitamin C, along with folate, fiber, potassium, niacin and vitamins A and E.