Today is January 31, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We Jews offer thanksgiving to God every single day in our prayers in many different ways. There are some people, therefore, who see Thanksgiving as superfluous from a Jewish point of view. We demur.

We grew up in New England where Thanksgiving was a very special day. Not a day of shopping, but a day of prayerful thanks for all America had/has given us.

In our little Connecticut town, there was usually a public “service” held in a public park. Like every bad joke you can think of, there was always a priest, a minister and a (reform) rabbi. The service was mostly devoid of any overt references to Jesus, but instead directed directly to God Who sustains us all.

In Israel, many American expats celebrate turkey day on Friday night at the shabbat meal. We have enjoyed that tradition many times.

“Hodu ladoshem ki tov.”