Today is February 23, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Not so different than in NYC, pop up sukkah stores are all over Jerusalem. The amazing thing is that they all essentially sell the same sukkah models. Prices do not vary all that much either. They deliver and they also, for a fee, will put up your sukkah. For another fee, they will take it down and wrap it up for you,too. Hoohah- that is what we call service.

We spoke with a man over the phone and he suggested a 2 x 2 sukkah. We thought he was kidding until we realized that it was 2 meters by 2 meters ( six and a half feet by the same number). The sukkah is big enough for four people very comfortably, or six if two are kids.

The interior is painted with Jerusalem scenes and the windows come with curtains.

Our complex of three buildings shares a large common parking lot which is now filled with about a dozen sukkot. Our sukkah is in a corner of the lot, and we share the space with two other sukkot. Sort of a holiday neighborhood! With Chanukah so early this year, some of us were saying we should just leave the sukkot up and turn them into holiday bazaars! (Just kidding)

Chag sameach!