Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Supermarkets in Israel are much like their American counterparts. Yet, in some ways, they are uniquely Israeli. We often shop at the Shufersol in Talpiyot, a most impressive store.

Of course, there is the organic section and the bulk products section. Additionally, that store has a full department dedicated to appliances for the home both large and small. Need an electric pot? They have it. Need an oven, or a 40 inch flat screen HD televison? They have them, too. Right next to the stove top cookers, crock pots and refrigerators.

Need wine or liquor? The wine section is a full two aisles. The frozen food department is huge- aisle after aisle of freezer cabinets. The flavored and plain waters occupy a full mini store within the store. There is a fresh cheese counter where your cheese is cut to your specifications.

Ok, forget both the frozen and fresh meat section. You don’t want to buy meat there. Most of the cuts would qualify as mystery meat! Chicken, on the other hand, is plentiful and fresh.

If packaged kosher foods (pizza, meat balls, chicken nuggets, fish, veggie “schnitzel,” etc) are what you crave, just wander the aisles. The fresh bakery there specializes in everything with chocolate.

Need a shirt or a skirt or a pair of pants? There are two dressing rooms so you can try things on.

Produce is typical of Israel- incredibly fresh and tempting.

What’s the only downer? Big complaint- the rest rooms are a nightmare- even worse than those at JFK airport. Small complaint- A whole lot of Israelis shop there! Just try to push your cart past some lady whose cart is in the middle of the aisle while she blocks one side and the shelf stockers block the other side. On the other hand, it is a most interesting experience watching how people interact there.

Really amazing thing? We had our groceries delivered. We left the store and went home, and somehow they got to the house before we did!

Finally, everything in the store is kosher!