Today is March 3, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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The story about the rabbanut in Israel not being able to do anything about a slaughterhouse where it appears that the animals are treated very cruely, is a shandeh- a huge disgrace.

The rabbanut has no problem collecting money from kosher businesses even though the mashgiach seldom shows up. They have no problem flexing political muscle and rabbinic power when kosher restaurants rebel against the extortion of the Rabbaut. Now with people clamoring about horrible abuses in a slaughter house, the rabbanut says its hands are tied?

Official rabbis in Israel in some communities threatened to take away the kosher certification from any place that had a New Year’s Eve party. That they can do? Based on what convoluted textual analysis did they base that on? The Chareidi controlled rabbanut in Israel is the new Reform Judaism. Saintly rabbis issue proclamations “ex cathedra” that are mind numbingly based on nothing other than the saintly rabbis and their claim of papal infallibility.

Apparently, we have a new form of Judaism based on the insane mumblings of rabbis who are totally out of touch with the rest of the world. Ever see that famous photo of a Bnei B’rak resident parading his children in costume on Purim? They are all wearing identical Santa Claus costumes. Can you say, “My name is Earth, have we ever met?”

For many years now, the late Rabbi Blumenkranz in his famous Pesach guide has insisted over and over again in every volume that putting candles on a birthday cake is Avoda Zarah (idol worship). Sigh…………

When we worked as a masghiach, our concern was what took place in the kitchen, not on the dance floor. At how many weddings have we seen separate dancing until certain rabbis leave, and then the mixed dancing begins??

The job of the mashgiach is to make sure that no one gets anything even remotely questionable. Perhaps it is time to tell the rabbanut- mind your own business and stay in the kitchen. Hmmm, maybe at events there should be a separate mashgiach whose job it is to make sure people say asher yatzar when they leave the rest room! And why not? If they can say we will take away your certification if you allow a NYE party, maybe they can do the same for all those who forget to give thanks for plumbing that works.