Today is March 3, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Rice is nice, especially when it comes in a microwave package that provides perfect rice in just three minutes.

Rice Expressions offers OU certified, organic, whole grain brown rice in ready to be heated pouches. You add NOTHING! The rice has already been cooked to perfection; you just nuke it!

No sticky rice. No pot to scrub. Simple. Delicious. Perfect.

All of the varieties are vegetarian, no or low sugar, cholesterol free, low in fat, no saturated fat, all natural and made with only premium quality organic ingredients. Additionally, all are gluten free.

Flavors: Organic Brown Rice, Organic Long Grain Rice, Organic Jasmine Rice, Organic Rice Pilaf and Organic Tex Mex Rice.

We sampled several and found them to be perfect!