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Special Bug Free Vegetables Pose A Threat To Life And Health, Should Not Be Eaten, Chief Rabbi Says
Shmarya Rosenberg •

In a groundbreaking ruling, Israel’s Sefardi Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar, who is also the haredi-controlled state chief rabbinate’s senior decisor of Jewish law has banned so-called mehadrin vegetables that are ‘bug free’ because they pose a danger to health.

Ynet reports that Amar ruled that the extremely high amounts of pesticides and other chemicals used in the growing process of ‘mehdadrin’ vegetables pose a risk to the lives and heath of those who consume them.

Amar recommends that people buy regular vegetables and was them and inspect them carefully before eating in order to remove any bugs.

This is preferable to the ‘bug free’ vegetables, Amar ruled, because the ‘bug free’ vegetables pose an actual threat to life and health.

Amar’s ruling is reportedly dozens of pages long, and took months to write. Its main objective is to refute the common claim that it is impossible to completely clean leafy vegetables of insects, and to refute the claim that Jews have a religious obligation to eat the vegetables grown by the recently invented special growth method that is high in pesticides and chemicals.

Amar noted that removal of bugs through inspection and washing can be done now, just as did throughout history.

Amar cites scientific findings that show that many farmers who grow these special ‘bug free’ vegetables use banned pesticides banned or extremely high-doses of approved pesticides.

According to him, there is no justification for consumers to buy these special ‘bug free’ vegetables, especially when they are forced to pay much more money for them than they would pay for regular vegetables. People do this, he notes, sometimes even at the expense of other basic food needs, then and then they eat these heavily chemically treated vegetables and endanger their health and the health of their families – and this is forbidden by the Torah, which considers threats to health and life to be more serious than biblical commandments themselves.
********************* Or, as some one posted on the FM blog: ALL WE ARE SAYING IS GIVE PEAS A CHANCE……