Today is March 1, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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The American Jewish World reports:

…The Beit Din Tzedek of Bnei Brak, the rabbinical court of Rabbi Nissim Karelitz, has issued summonses to Rabbi Aryeh Ralbag, head kashrut coordinator of Triangle K, which certifies meat as kosher for Hebrew National; and Shlomo Ben-David and Moshe Fyzakov, president and supervisor, respectively, for AER Services, Inc., which does kosher slaughter of beef cattle for Hebrew National products.

The rabbinical court issued the summonses after three former AER employees formally complained of “kosher fraud” and mistreatment of employees. One of the former employees, who told the AJW last week that he worked for AER for about five years, said the beit din hearing would seek “to clarify some issues.” He requested anonymity for this story based on his expressed fear of retribution from individuals involved with Triangle K.

The AJW was provided with copies of the summonses sent to Ralbag, Ben-David and Fyzakov. The documents are in Hebrew, and specify that the hearing will take place at 5:30 p.m. on Oct. 17 (the first day of Cheshvan), in Bnei Brak, Israel.…

Folks, get over it. Hebrew National is 100% kosher. It is not glatt, but that does not mean that it is not kosher. Whether you eat it or not is a matter of personal preference, but enough with the nonsense one sees on the internet already.

Second- a bet din in Israel? Did they have to go that far to find one that was willing to hear them out?