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The UTJ Dinner Committee is pleased to announce that we will have the privilege of honoring some of the most dedicated members of the UTJ at our upcoming Annual Dinner, which will be held at the Jewish Center of Teaneck on Wednesday evening, November 14, 2012.

Our Guest of Honor will be Rabbi Jeffrey Rappoport, who has served as Director of Morashah, the rabbinic fellowship of the UTJ, since 1997.

Joining Rabbi Rappoport in being honored are three couples who have a long-time affiliation with UTJ and Morashah, each of whom will receive UTJ’s Chaver Ne’eman Award. They are: Rabbi Ken and Karen Greene, Rabbi Pinchas and Miriam Klein, and Rabbi Len and Marilyn Zucker.

As you know, “chaver” in Modern Hebrew means “friend.” The classical meaning refers to a scholar who is proficient and accomplished in the depths and details of Jewish law and observance. The Chaver Ne’eman Award recognizes these rabbinic colleagues, members of Morashah, who are chaverim in both senses of the word.

We ask the entire UTJ community to help us accord proper kavod to each of these honorees by making your dinner donation as soon as possible. Your early contribution will help fund further publicity and invitations to help assure widespread participation in the Dinner and the Dinner Journal.

Please access at your earliest convenience to make your generous donation. Below are your donor opportunities:

Founder Page $25,000

Diamond Page $10,000

Gold Page $ 5,000

Silver Page $ 2,500

Bronze Page $ 1,800

Sponsor Page $ 1,050

Full Page $ 800

Half Page $ 550

Quarter Page $ 275

Eighth Page $ 125

(There is also a listing – name only, no text – for $75.)

As always, we appreciate your support of the UTJ and its continuing mission of promoting genuine faith and intellectual honesty in the Jewish community.


Rabbi Noah Gradofsky

Dinner Chairperson