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Here is an email sent by the Queens Vaad.

“July 20, 2012 1 Av, 5772

MEMO TO: All Establishments

FROM: Rabbi Chaim Schwartz

RE: Tisha B’av Schedule

We hope this letter finds you well.

As Tisha B’av falls out on Saturday night, no establishment may open at all.

On Sunday, July 29th,on Tisha B’av itself, NO ESTABLISHMENT (supermarkets, bakeries, caterers, candy shops, restaurants, take-out) may not open until 1:00pm. At that time, restaurants may only serve customers take-out style. All chairs must be placed on the tables.
Restaurants may re-open for regular business on Monday, July, 30th.

Additionally, as meat is prohibited to eat for all or part (depending on custom) of the “Nine Days,” a Pareve menu MUST be available in ALL restaurants. Pareve means that any part of the dish may not be cooked at all in/with a meat utensil. (emphasis ours)

As always, I am available to discuss these regulations with you and to address any questions or concerns you may have.”
Wrong Kimosabe! To say, ” Pareve means that any part of the dish may not be cooked at all in/with a meat utensil,” is to totally misstate halachah (Jewish law). In truth, pareve food cooked in a meat pot is still pareve. On top of that, 9 Av is actually on Shabbat. The fast is delayed and observed on Sunday. As a result, the fast is NOT during the nine days, and, therefore, meat itself would be permitted.

Word to the rabbis of the Vaad- chumrot (strictures) may be fine, but they must always be called chumrot and not paraded as halachah. Is the Vaad guilty of looking over its shoulder?