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Kashrus Agencies Take Advantage of Soaring Interest in Kashrus
LAKEWOOD, NJ — Hundreds of kosher consumers are participating in seminars sponsored by the major kashrus organizations on topics ranging from checking vegetables for insects to preparing the home for Passover. While many of the seminars are for both men and women, some are specifically planned for each gender separately. The Star-K periodically sponsors seminars for women who are interested in a career as kosher supervisors. The Kof-K has been active in promoting its seminars on checking for insects, also a topic for the other kashrus organizations, including the OU and the cRc. The OU Kosher’s popular ASK OU Outreach program has been on tour in many major kosher communities. In addition to the insects issue, the OU also includes such topics as “Current Kashrus Issues in Fish.” Like the Star-K, many of the seminars are for the purpose of the training of kashrus personnel. Kashrus officials say that they have noticed an “appreciable increase of interest on kashrus issues” in recent years. One rabbi said: “People recognize that technology is a two-edge sword: it makes life easier but also more complex and that is why they are so anxious to hear from the experts.” The popular Kashrus Magazine, edited by Rabbi Yosef Wikler recently launched “Kashrus on the Air,” a new weekly radio show devoted to kosher and the kosher lifestyle.