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Kosher Nexus
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No.209 Gin is OU kosher for passover. Made at Pier 50 in San Francisco, it is called 209 because back in 1882, it was the 209th distillery licensed in the USA. The distillery was recreated in 2005. They make 209 Gin and Kosher for Passover 209 gin.

Here is what the company has to say about its product:

A new chapter in gin

To our knowledge, No. 209 Kosher-for-Passover Gin is the only certified kosher-for-Passover gin in the world. In order for observant Jews to have a gin they could enjoy over Passover, Leslie Rudd asked No. 209’s Ginerator, Arne Hillesland, and associate winemaker Jonathon Hadju from kosher Covenant Wines to develop a gin that was as close as possible to No. 209’s taste profile and strictly adhered to kosher-for-Passover standards. We knew that it was not a simple feat since kosher standards preclude using any grain based spirit, and additionally, several key botanicals are not Passover approved. But we love a challenge… until Leslie said we had 40 days to have it bottled. Luckily, our Ginerator rose to the challenge and entered what we like to call, “Mad Scientist Mode.” He fired up the still and his creativity during “the gin trials” to discover innovative Passover approved herbs and spices, and under the supervision of the Orthodox Union, created a new gin recipe that has a remarkable modern taste profile. It debuted for Passover 2010 and was very well received. In fact, we have several restaurants who stock it year round because their customers drink it, not for religious reasons, but because they love the taste.

Our Taste
No. 209 Gin

What’s different about gin, than say, its more popular counterpart, vodka, is that each gin has its own personality with a distinct aroma, taste profile and finish. Vastly different from the juniper-heavy gins of the past, No. 209 opens with a beautifully aromatic nose of predominately citrus and floral notes with a hint of spiciness. First across the palette are the citrus high notes, with lemon predominate followed by a hint of orange. As the spirit warms in the mouth, delicate floral notes are liberated from the bergamot and coriander. Mid palette, there is a pepper-like warmth from the emerging cardamom and juniper with a wonderful counterpoint from the mint-like components of the cardamom. As the gin passes the palette, the cassia and other warm spice notes become prominent. The cassia in particular will linger in the aftertaste, encouraging another sip.

We take great pride in making a handcrafted, unique and intriguing spirit that is truly artisanal in quality. Whether you drink No. 209 neat in a martini or in a mixed cocktail, you will be able to tell that it is No. 209 and appreciate the difference that it makes.

No. 209 Kosher-for-Passover

The Only Passover Certified Gin in the World

In creating the first and only certified kosher-for-Passover gin in the world, our goal was to develop a gin that was as close as possible to No. 209’s taste profile. We knew that it was not a simple feat since kosher standards preclude using any grain based spirit, and additionally, several key botanicals are not Passover approved, primarily cardamom. With more constraints than making our standard No. 209 Gin, Arne developed a recipe that stays loyal to our citrus-spice roots. No. 209 Kosher-for-Passover Gin still has a citrus backbone, but has more of an herbal undertone due to the addition of California bay leaf from Mt. Veeder in Napa Valley. First across the palette are the high citrus notes and a sweetness that is attributed to the sugar cane base spirit. Mid palette, more savory flavors evolve with bay leaf and juniper at the forefront. As the gin passes the palette, spice notes of cassia and pepper become prominent.

In truth, we are a bourbon person. We did, however, try 209 to see what is like. We LOVED it. A great tasting beverage with a bright future in front of it.