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Spatchcock – a funny word for a fast dinner

by J.M. Hirsch –
AP Food Editor

I’ve been spending a lot of time spatchcocking lately.

Because while it sounds like something that should be X-rated, it’s really just a ridiculously simple and speedy way of roasting a whole chicken. I’ve done it on the grill and in the oven, and every time the results have been moist and delicious.

Here’s how it works. To spatchcock a chicken — or any bird — you simply cut along the center backbone, starting at the neck and right through to the rump. This cut allows you to then overturn the bird, spread it open and lay it nearly flat in the roasting pan. As a result, it cooks much faster, making it perfect for a weeknight dinner.

While this cut can be done with a good knife, the easiest and safest way to do it is with kitchen shears.

Once cut, the bird can be seasoned as you like.