Today is March 3, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We love Pereg spices. There used to be a Pereg store in Queens that was our favorite haunt. Just walking in was an olfactory wonder.

Pereg now offers mixes, all of them OU. All are 100% natural, with no preservatives, no food coloring and no additives.

Quinoa with veggies- dried carrots, potatoes, red bell peppers, toasted onions, raisins, salt, herbs and spices.

Quinoa with lemon and herbs- with lemon, mustard seeds, toasted onions, potatoes, spices and herbs.

Quinoa Ala Italiana- dried carrots, tomatoes, toasted onions, herbs and spices, salt, high fiber and iron.

Quinoa with Mushrooms- dried mushrooms, toasted onions, salt, herbs and spices.

Basmati Rice with Mushrooms- dehydrated mushrooms, toasted onions, salt, herbs and spices.

Basmati Rice ala Italiana- dried carrots and tomatoes, toasted onions, salt, herbs and spices.

Basmati Rice with Lemon and Herbs

Basmati Rice with Vegetables- dried carrots, potatoes, red bell peppers, toasted onions, raisins, salt and herbs and spices.

Couscous with Tomatoes and Herbs,

Couscous with Cranberries- dried cranberries, toasted almonds, currants and spices, toasted onions, nuts and wheat.

Israeli Couscous with pearl pasta, and pumpkin seeds- bell peppers, currants, pumpkin seeds, dried onions, garlic, parsley and wheat.

Israeli Couscous with Mushrooms- dehydrated shrooms, toasted onions, salt, herbs and spices.

We tried several of them all, and each one was a winner. Try them all!