Today is March 3, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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At every food show we look for Chef Adam. We love his stuff! We can honestly say there is not one product of his that we do not really, really like.

This new Mango Duck Sauce is a perfect sauce- piquant and sweet at the same time. Plain old fashioned Duck Sauce is so five years ago. This is the way Duck Sauce should be!

Certified by the Kof-K, and pareve, this is one great sauce. Take some chicken cutlets, place them in a pan. Season to taste. Cover with the sauce and bake. MMMMM ! Taam Gan Eden!

Mikee also offers some really great sugar free sauces: Ketchup, Buffalo style Wing Sauce, Original BBQ Sauce, Sesame Teriyaki Sauce and Chipotle BBQ sauce. We tried all of them and they were all Five Fork Kosher Nexus Award winners!

Take it from Mikee- he knows sauces!!