Today is March 3, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Growing up in New England, Thanksgiving was a BIG day. Our shul would deliver food baskets to less fortunate people. The town sponsored a big, interfaith “service” whereat the speakers all extolled America and all it offers to all of us. Choirs from the various local schools would sing, each speaker would try to outdo the previous speaker, and then it was off to the football field for the great local inter high school rivalry game played every year on Turkey Day.

On television, all the great monkey movies were on: King Kong, Bride of Kong, King Kong Does Dishes, Mighty Joe Young, Son of Mighty Joe Young, Joe Young Plays Football for Yale, etc. (OK, two of those were made up- try to guess which!)

The table was like the table of Avraham Avinu (l’havdil) groaning under the weight of all the food: biscuits, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, sweet potato pie, homemade cranberry sauce, home grown and cooked apple sauce, baked apples, and apple stuffing in the bird. (We had a small orchard.) Green beans, corn, brussel sprouts, green salad (of course with iceberg lettuce), chopped liver, brisket, corn chowder, and at least one turkey, maybe two (heavy competition for the “tush.”)

Dessert was yet another meal all by itself! All sorts of cakes, cookies, and mandel breads were served. Yummy.

After we got up from the table, the table was reorganized as a buffet table for the rest of the day. Turkey on rye with lettuce, tomato and mayo or mustard. A little cranberry sauce on the side. Some cold pasta salad (a new entry not part of the original meal) and corn muffins.

It is good to give thanks to the Lord. Have a wonderful thanksgiving and give thanks for the blessings in your life.