Today is March 3, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Granted it is not our holiday. We do not need anyone to tell us that. When we were kids, it sort of hurt to not be able to trick or treat (we were like Fes on That 70’s Show- we loved candy), but we survived. After all, what was Halloween if not a rather insignificant date on the calendar?

So when did Halloween become such a big deal for non Jews? (Yeah, we know- plenty of Jews,too)

The other day two youngish mothers were blocking the aisle in the supermarket while they were conversing. One youngish mother to the other youngish mother, “So, what are you doing for Halloween?” What are you doing for Halloween? What kind of question is that? Either you give candy or you don’t. No?

Apparently not. Look around at any neighborhood that is not Orthodox Jewish and note the incredibly elaborate and costly Halloween decor. We recently shopped at Party City for disposables for Sukkot, and we were stunned to see life size, animatronic Halloween decor costing upwards of One Hundred Dollars. Yikes! Who spends like that for Halloween?

Duh! Obviously some people do. If the store could not sell it, they would not carry it. Just think- had people spent that money on Tzedakah instead. How much better would the world be then?

In the card stores they carry Halloween greeting cards and home decorations. There is all manner of junk to be had for Halloween. The question is: why?

Halloween- we just don’t get it.