Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We depart from our usual fare to share this reflection on Gilad Shalit.

We are a cheap cry- even feel good TV ads can make us cry. But nothing compares to the tears we shed today as we watched video after video of Gilad’s homecoming. Seeing that rather wan and dazed young man being hugged by his father sent us into a huge round of tears.

How do you catch up? How do you find the way to say a thousand “I love you’s?” How do you find enough places to kiss tenderly? How do you know how much “space” to give him?

For many of us, Gilad is our son, too. His homecoming was to our homes, too.

Baruch habah, Gilad.

Oh, and chag sameach.

Sit in the sukkah and stare up at the sky and know that your world is now a place of shalom.