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At Last! The New TRIPLE DOUBLE OREO Cookie Hitting Shelves Now

After Months of Anticipation, OREO Launches New “Twist” on Milk’s Favorite Cookie
KRAFT FOODS INC. TRIPLE DOUBLE OREO In early May, word of the yet-to-be released TRIPLE DOUBLE OREO cookie reached the Internet and within hours, OREO fans were buzzing throughout social media about this new take on the iconic cookie. At long last, the wait is over. The TRIPLE DOUBLE OREO cookie, which combines two layers of OREO creme, one chocolate and one original, with three layers of crunchy, chocolaty OREO cookies, is available in stores nationwide.

In early May, word of the yet-to-be released TRIPLE DOUBLE OREO cookie reached the Internet and within hours, OREO fans were buzzing throughout social media about this new take on the iconic cookie. At long last, the wait is over. The TRIPLE DOUBLE OREO cookie, which combines two layers of OREO creme, one chocolate and one original, with three layers of crunchy, chocolaty OREO cookies, is available in stores nationwide.

“Our fans’ passion and enthusiasm has challenged us to raise our game. With the TRIPLE DOUBLE OREO cookie, we set out to take OREO to another level by adding a new twist,” said Jessica Robinson, associate director of consumer engagement, Kraft Foods. “We are looking forward to engaging with OREO fans as they share their twisting, licking and dunking moments with the new TRIPLE DOUBLE OREO cookie.”

One Global Cookie, Many Unique ‘Twists’

The new TRIPLE DOUBLE OREO cookie is another way in which OREO is creating fun new ways for people to enjoy the moment of childlike delight when twisting, licking and dunking an OREO cookie in milk. This iconic ritual is enjoyed throughout the world, from the United States to France to China to Israel. In fact, the TRIPLE DOUBLE OREO cookie is a new twist on Argentina’s OREO “x3” (pronounced “Por Tres”) cookie, introduced in 2010. Similar to the TRIPLE DOUBLE OREO cookie, the OREO x3 features three layers of cookie, and two layers of creme.

“The birthplace of OREO is America, but it’s one global cookie,” says John Ghingo, senior director of global marketing, OREO. “We’re excited when we can take a popular idea in one country and share it with other OREO fans around the world. It’s ideas like this that have made OREO the world’s favorite cookie.”

Team DSRL and OREO Fans Tackle TRIPLE DOUBLE OREO Challenge

To help launch the new cookie, the OREO Brand has enlisted the help of both OREO fans and Team DSRL, including Shaquille O’Neal, Eli Manning, Venus Williams, Apolo Ohno and of course, Stufy, the DSRL mascot. New OREO Double Stuf Racing League TV advertising will begin airing in early September. DSRL veteran Shaquille O’Neal loves the challenge that the new cookie poses to his team, and wants to know if OREO fans are game.

“Now that I am retired I can spend more time perfecting my twist, lick and dunk skills, and with an added layer of creme and a third cookie, it’s clear that I am going to need the practice,” said O’Neal. “I am obviously the dunking expert, but I am working with the rest of Team DSRL to figure out the best way to compete with the TRIPLE DOUBLE OREO cookie.”

Like O’Neal, OREO fans can start their own lick races with the new cookie now. The TRIPLE DOUBLE OREO cookie is available nationwide at grocery stores starting this week with a suggested retail price of $4.19 per package. One serving (1 cookie) is 100 calories and a total of 4.5g of fat.

Are You Game?

The DSRL celebrates the fun of bringing friends and families together in an exciting head-to-head competition to see who can twist, lick and dunk an OREO Double Stuf cookie and drink a glass of milk the fastest. But the TRIPLE DOUBLE OREO cookie has changed the game when it comes to how you twist, lick and dunk. Team DSRL wants to know…. Are you game?

In conjunction with the TV ads, OREO will launch a series of online games available at and Fans who participate could win the chance to win a trip to meet a member of Team DSRL.

The OREO Double Stuf Racing League officially launched in January 2008. To compete in a DSRL lick race, each person twists their cookie open and licks off all the creme. Then, each person shows their cookie to their opponent, dunks it, eats it and drinks the glass of milk. The first to finish twisting, licking and dunking wins!