Today is February 27, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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With its clear health benefits and its sweet, nutty flavor, Kañiwa is a delicious & nutritious choice for any meal. The mild flavor of Kañiwa also makes it easy to use in both sweet and savory dishes. Try it in a ROLAND®KAÑIWA LEMON MINT TABOULI STYLE SALAD or in ROLAND®KAÑIWA AND CHICKEN VEGETABLE SOUP or simply cook it up for breakfast with sliced fruit.
Much like its cousin Quinoa, Kañiwa, pronounced “ka-nyi-wa,” is a super grain. Both Kañiwa and Quinoa are members of the goosefoot family, and the tiny grain that we eat is actually the plant’s seed. Grown high in the Peruvian Andes, Kañiwa is prized for its ability to thrive in the harsh climate and for its nutritional content. Each Kañiwa grain is 1/3 the size of a quinoa grain, but with higher protein, fiber, and antioxidant density. Kañiwa also has significant levels of calcium, zinc, and iron.
Originally cultivated thousands of years ago in the Andes of South America, the miniscule size of each grain belies the amazing amount of vitamins and minerals packed in each bite. With 16% protein, Kañiwa has a higher protein content than any other grain. In addition to all of its extraordinary health benefits, Roland® Kañiwa has a nutty satisfying flavor.
Naturally gluten-free, Kañiwa is a tasty and healthy grain for a gluten-free diet. Kañiwa is also a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids in correct proportion, which makes it an excellent choice for a vegetarian diet, as well

This product is OU and pareve. And until the crazies catch on, it should be ok for Pesach, too!