Today is February 27, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We recently had the great pleasure of finding this product from Honey Acres. Certification is by Rabbi Spero.

Extra Virgin Honey™ – Direct from the Hive – 12 oz
Heat, light and filtering adversely affect the natural goodness of honey; Extra Virgin Honey™ is never heated above 96 degrees Fahrenheit (the natural temperature inside the beehive.) Special handling of this premium honey brings Extra Virgin Honey™ in a spreadable form. Enjoy this honey with all its natural, healthful goodness. Spread on toast, fresh bread and muffins. Kosher parve certified.

Long time readers of the KN know that we love finding and trying different kinds of honey. This one is a huge winner- huge!

Google Honey Acres for more info……..