Today is March 3, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Brunswick Sardines in Olive Oil – A consumer reported fi nding krill, a small crustacean similar in appearance to a small
shrimp, in some cans of Brunswick Sardines in Olive Oil. The product code of the cans in question is 0215CB Best By Aug
2015. Sardines are a small herring and are a natural seafood product. The main components of the herring diet are krill and
other zooplankton present in the ocean in which it lives. Due to the feeding habits of the fi sh, krill may occasionally be present
in a can of sardines. This is a very rare occurrence. Bumble Bee reported that consumers reported approximately 20 incidences
in over 20 million cans. Brunswick Sardines remains under OU certifi cation.

Egg Beaters Cheese & Chive Liquid Egg Product, produced by Conagra Foods, Inc., is no longer being produced as kosher.
The item will no longer bear an OK-D symbol on the package. Items seen in the store with an OK-D may still be used.

7Eleven is introducing a new sugar free Slurpee fl avor called Peach Dragonfruit. Please be aware that this fl avor is Dairy/
cholov stam.

Aunt Jemima Whole Wheat Blend Pancake Mix, Quaker Oats Company: This product was recently packaged bearing an
OU-D symbol. The product is actually OU PAREVE.