Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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In yesterday’s article, there was a statement that we found most revealing:

“An e-mail from the RCBC circulated among Orthodox synagogues early last month, however, warned that even under OK supervision, Ima did not satisfy RCBC standards.

“While the OK standards are generally reliable, we regret to say that in this particular instance, its hashgacha does not meet the parameters of the RCBC nor the standards to which our community has become accustomed,” the e-mail read.”

Wowzers! The RCBC is challenging the bona fides of the OK? Will the RCBC tell people that they can not use OK certified products? In fact, will the RCBC prohibit their clients to use OK certified products? We think the answer is clear.

The stench of hypocrisy here is abundantly obvious.

When the Stop and Shop in Teaneck announced that their bakery was under the KVH, a friend phoned our office. He was confused. He had phoned the RCBC and the rabbi there said he had never heard of the KVH and he supposed that it was not a good hashgacha. Wow- now the RCBC will have to forbid places from selling Kellogg’s cereals! Come on! What are the odds that the RCBC has not heard of the KVH? Do they think we are that stupid?

At the UTJ once upon a time, we had a small dinner for about 50 people. We used a company certified by the RCBC. The RCBC demanded that we pay for two mashgichim and charged us a hefty amount. Two high school yeshiva boys came to serve as mashgichim. One year later, we had the same dinner and refused to pay such an exorbitant amount- especially because all the diners were rabbis. Frankly, we felt that we could do a better job on our own without the high school boys. It was a huge battle, one that involved our threatening to go with another caterer from outside the community. The RCBC finally relented and allowed us to appoint one of our rabbis (with their approval) as the mashgiach. Oh, and by the way, they still wanted their cut.

How tragic and sad that the rabbis of the RCBC have shamed themselves this way. Can you say Streit’s Matzah?