Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Announcing KIND HEALTHY SNACKS and KIND PLUS. KIND contains fruit and nuts. KIND PLUS contains an extra nutritional boost.

Under OU certification, these snack bars are good and good for you. They are all natural, contain no gluten nor wheat, no sulphur dioxide, are non GMO, contain no hydrogenated oils and are a good source of fiber.

Try these neat flavors: Peanut butter and strawberry, Apple Cinnamon and Pecan, Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate + Protein, Pomegranate Blueberry Pistachio + Antioxidants, Blueberry Pecan + Fiber and Dark Chocolate Cherry Cashew + Antioxidants.

Kind LLC is located in NYC. 212.616.3006

Give these a try. They are worth it!