Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We recently tried a new sausage. Jack’s Gourmet Delicious and Kosher makes a lot of sausage. They have lots of different kinds of sausage. We bought one package each of almost every style they make.

Last night we tried the Sweet Italian Sausage. What can we say? It is a Kosher Nexus Five Fork Award Winner!

This is sweet Italian sausage the way it is supposed to be. As we ate it and moaned with pleasure, we remonstrated with our self that we should have made spaghetti and sauce with it. Or we should have made sausage, meat balls and peppers.

The texture is perfect. The taste is unbelievable. Just the right amount of herbs and spices. This is authentic sausage. Do NOT call it a hot dog, because it is not a hot dog. This is a real, honest to goodness sausage.

Speaking of hot dogs, they do make Brats, but we have not tried them yet. And by the way, the best way to make Brats is to boil them in beer. Yup- in beer. Next week, we hope to try the Brats (We have the beer. Is it sacrilege to boil in Heineken??) As we try each new one, we shall let you know.

In the mean time, run to your local kosher emporium. Stock up before the word gets out and the stampede begins.

We repeat: Sweet Italian Sausage- a Kosher Nexus Five Fork Winner!