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We found this article on JERUSALEM KOSHER NEWS by Y. Spira

“Omega 3 With an Eida Hechsher

11 Cheshvan 5771
October 19, 2010

superherb-omerga-eida1There is a flurry regarding the ‘for’ and ‘against’ involving Omega 3 and the kashrut-associated issues. I know of at least one brand in the marketplace which is cause for genuine kashrus concern, and the Chief Rabbinate is working to have it removed from store shelves.

Some consumers simply don’t get it, and the words “all natural” or the like do not absolve us of the need to seek out a reliable hechsher. This applies to many many items, not just vitamins.

Ah, partially correct, Mr Spira. Indeed many items need to have a hechsher. Vitamins do not. We do not eat them. We swallow them and they do not satisfy any appetite. Although many kashruth agencies have jumped on the vitamins need a hechsher bandwagon, they would be very hard pressed to find ANY halachic source for that stance.

Mr Spira needs to do his homework! Or, maybe he should just add the words, “in my opinion” to his non halachic pronouncements.