Today is March 3, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Thanksgiving and Chanukah from Kosher Care Packages


Thanksgiving Gift Basket

All the items in this beautiful seasonal gift basket were especially chosen to grace your Thanksgiving table.This basket is shrink wrapped and finished with satin ribbon and a gold embossed seal.

This basket contains:

1 handmade Exceptional Dessert ®Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cake

1 handmade Exceptional Dessert® Applesauce Crumb Cake

1 lb. of custom ground French Roast Coffee

½ lb. Exceptional Dessert® Oatmeal Chocolate Chunk Cookies

½ lb. Exceptional Dessert® Double Ginger Crackles

Wild Thymes Apple Walnut Cranberry Sauce

Wild Thymes Fig Walnut Balsamic Vinaigrette

All items in this basket are pareve. The items in this basket are certified kosher by either OK or KSA.

Exceptional Desserts are pas yisroel.

Thanksgiving Basket
Thanksgiving Gift Basket

Please click on photo to shop for this and other Thanksgiving gifts.

Thanksgiving Special-


(ground within the US)

8 crazy nights
Chanukah Gift Box
Please click on photo to shop for this and other Chanukah gifts.
Chanukah Gift Box-
8 Crazy Nights of Gourmet Goodies

This Gift Box contains:

4 Exceptional Brownies®

6 Exceptional Dessert® Oatmeal Chocolate Chunk Cookies

6 Exceptional Dessert ® Double Ginger Crackles

1 Exceptional Dessert ®Applesauce Crumb Cake

1- 5 oz. bag of roasted nuts

1 milk chocolate “Gelt Bar”

1- 3.5 oz. bag of Jelly Belly Jelly Beans

½ lb. assortment of Penny Candy

all packed into a festive holiday gift box

This gift box contains both dairy and pareve items.

Kosher certification is by one of the following: Kof k-D; OK; OU-D; OU.

Exceptional Desserts® are pas yisroel.
$70.00 $65.00
(Savings: $5.00)
If you would like to design your own gift basket, please call our customer care team at 877.KCP.0500 (527.0500.) We will be happy to help you!