Today is March 3, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Shechita UK. Please help fight the EU labelling proposal.

As some of you may have read in the Jewish press, the European Parliament recently voted on an amendment to an EU Regulation which will require meat products derived from animals that have been slaughtered by shechita, to be labelled as ‘meat from slaughter without stunning’. This would significantly impact on the kosher meat industry in the UK and across Europe, imperilling its economic viability.

Requiring Kosher meat to be labelled but not meat from animals which have been gassed, shot at, electrocuted or worse is quite simply, discrimination.

Shechita UK has in place a professionally managed lobbying campaign of the European Governments but we need your help to ensure that British MEPs and Caroline Spelman, Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, are fully aware of the strength of feeling that exists on this issue in the Jewish community.

You can do this by visiting the Shechita UK Website to find out who to write to and what to say. It should take no more than a few minutes of your time and could make all the difference.

The work to avert this threat will not be successful without a groundswell of public action so please pass on this message and urge your family and friends to act now.

This email address does not accept replies. If you require further information about the Shechita campaign please contact Shechita UK directly.

KLBD Kashrut Division