Today is February 23, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We will be off for a few days (duh!) and want to take this moment to acknowledge you- our dear, loyal readers.

We started the Kosher Nexus a long time ago as an anonymously mailed newsletter sent to 50 people. A second issue quickly followed and was mailed to 110 people. Those first two issues were called the Kosher Crusader. Andrea Herrera- head of the Kosher Nexus Southern test kitchen- came up with the name Kosher Nexus (in truth, much better), and we were off and running!

That newsletter grew into the Kosher Nexus newsletter as published by the UTJ. Ultimately, at the suggestion of Sandy Hausler, esq., an officer of the UTJ, we began the most recent iteration of the KN as a daily blog. With readers numbering in the hundreds of thousands, we are gratified to know that so many people people find us helpful.

For the year ahead, we ask only that God send His myriad blessings into our lives. May we all be written and sealed in the book of life for abundant life, health, happiness, some measure of wealth, and time to enjoy it all. Together with family, may we find much to give thanks for in the new year.

From our house to your house, from our family to your family-

Ketiva v’chatima tova!

Rabbi Jeffrey Rappoport
Editor in Chief