Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Some years ago, someone gave us a recipe for chicken cutlets made on the BBQ grill that involved the use of vanilla. We were skeptical, but it was a real eye opener. As a result, we went on a vanilla kick. Here, then, is some good advice: NEVER, EVER cook carrots with vanilla. It was horrible we could not eat it. So, we took the pot and went outside and threw the carrots on the ground along side the house thinking the local wild animals would come and eat it (and maybe stay our of our garbage cans!). Three days later, the carrots were still there. Sheesh! Even the raccoons would not eat them!

So, what goes well with vanilla?

Herewith, the top eleven vanilla flavor pairings in dairy:

Vanilla and caramel
Vanilla and chocolate
Vanilla and Chai tea
Cherry and vanilla
Cinnamon and vanilla
Vanilla and coffee (latte)
Honey and vanilla
Spice/spicy and vanilla
Vanilla and cream
Vanilla and cookies and cream
Peach and vanilla