Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Way up in on the shores of Lake Champlain, NY, in the Village of Whitehall, NY, a 265 acre farm raises the most amazing cows for the kosher market. These cows are grass fed, live in the fresh air and have a happy life. Look at what the company has to say:

We produce special breeds of animals that are bred to taste the best
on pasture. Nutritional studies have shown that pasture-raised animals
taste better, have a firmer texture, are lower in saturated fat, are
higher in omega-3 fatty acids and are overall healthier animals than
those raised on conventional farms. This means that they are healthier
for you too.
We raise animals the way they are supposed to live – eating grass,
breathing fresh outdoor air and getting plenty of sunshine. We also
have the added benefit of having nutrient-rich soil from the magnificent
shore of Lake Champlain in the view of the Green Mountains of

The shechita is by Rabbi Ashkenasi and the meat is glatt. The meat is incredible and is a true taste bud delight. Long time readers of the KN might recall some recipes from Chef Leonardo. Well, the chef and his wife are the owners of the farm. Chef Leonardo realized that in order to get the kind of kosher meat he wanted, he had to raise the beef himself. So he does. Oh, and he also sells bird.

Go to the web site and see where and when the meat is available in Manhattan. This is primo, deluxe meat- not the dry stuff we get from the big corporate farms. This meat will remind you why you love meat!