Today is March 3, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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According to some research presented by Mintel International (based in Chicago, they are a global supplier of consumer info, etc), fresh breath is a growth industry! Hey, you never know when you might lose a job because your breath smells like a polluted lake!

According to Mintel, the market for breath fresheners has grown over 10 percent since 2007. Even better for fresh breath suppliers, the market is expected to show continued growth until at least 2014. At that time, apparently, stinky breath will be the new “in” thing, and the market will cease expanding. (There is probably a better reason, but we sort of like our own sense of humor.)

According to Mintel, low prices, innovative packaging and distinctive flavors all contribute to this growth trend. Some of the wackier flavors out there in consumer land (although not kosher perhaps) are: Peppermint Mocha, Green Tea and Mojito Mint. Still, 43% of all consumers insist that they buy what they buy because it does a good job keeping the stinkies away.

As Jack Benny (OBM) would have said, “Really!”