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CoQ10 Providing a Healthy Glow

BY: Heather Granato

“Antioxidants that have been scientifically proven to be effective for topical application are the fastest and most effective way to counteract skin’s age damage caused by free radicals,” said Linda Miles, L.Ac., D.O.M., vice president, derma e®. “As retailers become more knowledgeable of the existence of skin-care products containing CoQ10 and its powerful antioxidant benefits when applied topically, the market will grow.”

German researchers recently noted as CoQ10 positively influences age-related cellular metabolism, it fights the signs of aging at a cellular level and can improve mitochondrial function via topical application.
1 In vitro studies have shown the ability of CoQ10 to protect the dermis and prevent wrinkles and related degeneration associated with UV exposure.
2,3 Italian researchers conducted animal studies and reported CoQ10 could enhance the antioxidant defenses of the skin, aiding skin healing and synergistically enhancing the duration of other cosmetic procedures.
4 Additionally, supplementation with CoQ10 was found by Japanese researchers to increase CoQ10 levels in the serum and epidermis of mice, suggesting it may exert anti-aging, anti-wrinkle and energizing effects on the skin when taken internally.
5“In personal care, the terrific side benefit is of functional optimization in improved appearance,” said Emma Froelich, vice president personal care, Hain Celestial. “CoQ10 is an ‘energy activator,’ increasing cellular metabolism and acting as an essential antioxidant. The beauty benefits of cellular rejuvenation can be really noticeable. In the skin, it can help firm, tone and fight the appearance of wrinkles. In oral care, it promotes healthy gums.”

There are several natural personal care products now incorporating CoQ10 for its health effects.