Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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There is a relatively new company out there called JEWISH ZODIAC. The owner, Seth Front, is a comedy writer and graduate of USC Film School. One day he had his “Eureka” moment and wondered, as he read the Chinese Zodiac on a restaurant place mat, why is there no Jewish Zodiac? So he created one! In Seth’s own words,”What would be a Jewish Zodiac? It wouldn’t be Year of the Dragon or Year of the Ox. It would be Year of the Bagel and Year of the Lox. It would be Jewish deli food. And thus, The Jewish Zodiac” was born.

The company sells Jewish Zodiac place mats, coffee mugs and magnet sets (“Brunch,” “lunch” and “munch”). By far the greatest and funniest thing Seth sells is Tee Shirts. Each tee shirt features a retro design with one of the Zodiac signs. Signs include “Year of …” Chicken soup, Egg cream, Chopped Liver, Blintz, Latke, Bagel, Pickle Schmear, Pastrami, Black and White (the cookie), Knish and Lox.

Each design is wildly funny. Our fave is the Year of the Pickle- it sort of hints of the old fashioned Heinz label. Not to say that the others are not funny, because they are, but rather we like the pickle shirt the best.

Check them out on the web:

Or contact them at 818.401.9200

This one is our candidate for best in show in the non food category. We ordered lots of stuff and hope you will, too!