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Kosher Nexus
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Here is a note sent by the Samuel Fields Y, located in Queens, NY, about a fund raiser they are holding:

Hello Camp Families,

On Tuesday November 10, 2009 the Samuel Field Y will be running a fundraiser at Burger King in Douglaston Plaza from 12:00PM-8:00PM to benefit youth and camping services. Attached is the flyer that needs to be brought with you in order for us to receive credit for your purchase. We will be selling raffle tickets for prizes such as gift cards for Itunes, Panera Bread, Samuel Field Y Bucks, Sports Equipment and much more. If you have any questions please contact Robert Schwendel 718-225-6750 x206 or via email Thank you and we look forward to seeing you.

The worst part of it is that, when challenged by a kosher-observing parent as to the total inappropriateness of the event, the Y defended themselves saying that they “serve a diverse community” not all of whom are even Jewish, never mind kosher. Adding insult to injury, the writer said that Burger King offers food that kosher observant Jews can eat, such as salad. Never mind that it is totally wrong for a Jew to enter the place in the first place.

SHAME ON THE SAMUEL FIELDS Y. Were we a parent of camp age children, we would protest by refusing to be a part of this shameful exercise. And we would think twice before supporting any programs sponsored by the Y.