Today is March 3, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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As you read this, we are winging our way to Eretz Israel for a much needed grandchild “fix.”
As always, we are flying El Al and enjoying a kosher business class flight- the only way to go!!

We will be staying at the Jerusalem Dan Panorama hotel- our Israeli home away from home. They are renovating the dining room and the lobby, so we look forward to seeing what’s new. All of our friends on the hotel staff know we are coming and we look forward to seeing them all.

Watch for our dispatches from Israel as we revisit familiar old haunts and try out some new ones.

There are some new restaurants in J Town that we want to try, friends to visit, places to go, people to see and most important of all- love my little man as only a sabba (grandfather) can.

Our next dispatch will be from the City of Gold, Jerusalem, the most beautiful city in the world.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!